Makkelijk leesbaar materiaal over  SRV en daaraan verwanteonderwerpen

Valued roles for all: the keys to a good life. … This is a free resource book published by Better Practice Project in Adelaide that explores one of the key SRV themes, ‘valued roles’. It includes exercises and short stories.

SRV in Action. … a free periodical published by Values in Action, the Brisbane SRV group, that makes links between SRV and how it is used in work and everyday lives.

Good ideas for better lives. … The booklet of 15 topics by Jane Sherwin includes reflective questions that could be used as a basis for conversations or individual reflections. Great for individuals, families and work teams.

More roles, more community life … read about being in valued roles and how someone might be socialized into a role.

Fostering the application of SRV with individuals. … an article by Jane Sherwin that helps the thinking-through of the steps in using SRV with individuals. It shows how some of the key ideas within SRV are linked.

The culturally valued analogue, a complex term but so useful. … an article by Jane Sherwin called ‘Think typical: using the culturally valued analogue’.

Friendships and community life: how roles make a difference. … an article by Jane Sherwin called ‘The desire for friendship comes quickly, friendship does not’. It shows that people’s experience of community life depends on what types of roles they have.

Verhalen en video’s over het toepassen van SRV in de levens van mensen met een beperking … for helpful ideas and stories including videos. The site is published by Community Resource Unit, a small non-profit organization is in Brisbane that uses a combination of strategies (information, education, publications, mentoring, leadership development) to inspire and lead change in the lives of people with disabilities. Community Resource Unit also has a free periodical with full of stories and good thoughts and also books for sale … published by Belonging Matters in Melbourne. This small community based advisory service builds capacity and knowledge predominantly in people with a disability and their families to enable them to have the opportunities typical of other citizens in the community. They work with individuals, one person at a time, and their key loved ones. … published by Resourcing Inclusive Communities in Sydney, hosted by Family Advocacy. The site includes stories, videos and tools.

Materiaal over SRV in de levens van oudere mensen

The Better Practice Project Handbook. … a great resource that highlights SRV (and some other ideas) specifically in the lives of older people.

Imaging a Better Life for Older People … designed for Coordinators to enable individual older people to continue a meaningful lifestyle in their own homes and communities.

SRV en mensen met een psychiatrische kwestbaarheid

Choice, ideology and the challenges of applying SRV in mental health work … by Lynda Shevellar and colleagues, based on an evaluation of a small personalized service for people with significant mental health issues.

SRV en Persoonlijke Planning … having SRV as an underpinning set of ideas is a great safeguard when doing person centred work because it expands our ideas beyond person centred tools.

Resources and books by the International Association of SRV … this site has links to articles, books to purchase, and also a link if you want to subscribe to the SRV Journal.